Governing densification.
How to overcome the barriers to denser cities while retaining urban quality for all
Within the research project GoverDENSE we compare densification projects from Switzerland and the Netherlands and take lessons from practical examples on how to steer densification towards sustainability. We ask: Under which circumstances can spatial planning effectively achieve densification while retaining urban quality for all? Not only do we make an international comparison, but we also apply different methodologies and perspectives to better understand synergies and trade-offs of implementing densification.
Case studies
Regulating market-initiated subdivisions
Zuilen (Utrecht / NL)
The power of public land for densification
Jardin du Paradis (Biel/ CH)
Densification on historic industrial grounds
Zijdebalen (Utrecht/ NL)
From allotment gardens to affordable housing
WBG Huebergass (Bern/ CH)
From military warehouse to high-quality architecture
Defensie-Eiland (Woerden / NL)
Flexibility in Project-Based Planning
Rijnhuizen (Nieuwegein / NL)
Densifying single-family houses: mission impossible?
Dürrenast (Thun/ CH)
Negotiating Affordable Housing through Direct Democracy
ESP Ausserholligen (Bern / CH)
Comparing patterns of densification to evaluate the effects of land policies
Densification takes on different forms.

Why it matters. Comparing types of densification
Vera’s award-winning contribution to the Buildings and Cities PhD Video Challenge “Why it matters”
January 22: Sustainable urban densification - 4 lessons from Switzerland - Article published in Dutch planning magazine Gebiedsontwikkeling (in Dutch)
January 15: What Switzerland can learn from Dutch densification policies - Article published in Swiss planning magazine Espace Suisse (in German and English)
November 04: New article on income variation in densification projects
October 27: Exchange on densification at City of Utrecht
October 26: GoverDENSE workshop at University of Utrecht
August 27: Jessica at the Royal Geographical Society
August 7: New publication: public access to green spaces in urban densification
July 23: Josje publishes in Housing Quality Network
May 2: Planning, Law and Property Rights in Ann Arbor, Michigan
April 26: Urban Affairs Conference in Nashville, Tennessee
March 19: Local news article by Jessica "Land use is political"
March 13: Densification workshop at ETH Zürich
Febuary 13: Who lives in densification projects? Vera presents at University of Bern
January 27: PhD Writing Retreat
Publication alert! Non-enforcement and Non-compliance in Dutch Cases of Soft Densification
Publication Alert! Types and Patterns of Urban Densification in Bern and Utrecht
November 18: PhD Video challenge award
August 25: Fieldwork in the Netherlands
July 12: Visit from the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations
July 10: GoverDENSE team visits PLPR Conference
July 07: Site visit densification in Ghent, Belgium